Filter by: research, programming, games, or trip.
Steiner tree - Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems
| tags:[ math ]
- Migrating static pages
- Tunic
- Circular design for Flag Semaphor decyphering
- Bergen & EPIT 2024
- Ring of Pain
- Inscription
Hierarchy of Parameters update
| tags:[ hops ]
- Manipulating game files on Steam
PC build
| tags:[ pc ]
- Over the Garden Wall
| tags:[ note ]
Note on AI
| tags:[ note ]
About rants
| tags:[ note ]
- A short peek at Manim
A note about XNLP-completeness
| tags:[ research complexity ]
Partial preorders
| tags:[ math ]
- Mathjax
Systems page update
| tags:[ material ]
- Small survey on tools used by mathematicians
- Dredge
Initialization of Parameters hierarchy website
| tags:[ note ]
Segre chart (Table of nuclides)
| tags:[ chemistry ]
- Forward and inverse serach in Okular with NeoVim and Lazy plugin loader
- LaTeX setup for writing a paper review response
Brand logos
| tags:[ design ]
- NeoVim Setup
Wall world
| tags:[ game ]
- Manage versions of a scientific paper in LaTeX
- Issue submitting paper to arXiv; dvips issue with colors
- Patrick's Parabox
Intense work
| tags:[ note ]
Modelling problems with SAT
| tags:[ tutorial ]
Jak na pointery?!
| tags:[ programming tutorial ]
| tags:[ programming note ]
Thought experiment on continuous consciousness within many worlds universe interpretation
| tags:[ philosophy ]
Let old posts decompose
| tags:[ note ]
Posts in 2023?
| tags:[ note ]
Přenášky na podzimním soustředění FIKS 2022
| tags:[ talk ]
- Synctex setup for Vim with Okular
Combinatorial games talk at MATRIS
| tags:[ talk ]
Simple data consistency with two-sided references
| tags:[ programming feature ]
In Space with Markiplier diagram
| tags:[ analysis ]
Jak funguje Věda
| tags:[ science ]
Přenášky na soustředění FIKS 2022
| tags:[ talk ]
On life, consciousness, and soul
| tags:[ philosophy ]
- Žádost o GAČR grant
- How to write an Interactive story
- Microphone
How to migrate static pages to another address
| tags:[ setup ]
- Easy-to-remember Rubik's cube solution
- Profiling memory of C++ programs using Massif
| tags:[ psychology note ]
- Imagemagick examples
- C++ makefile
Structured information
GD 2020 notes
| tags:[ research conference ]
Notes from the 'Prague Summer School on Discrete Mathematics 2020'
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) c++ code explained
| tags:[ programming algorithm ]
Command-line completion
| tags:[ system setup programming ]
Teorie grafů
Algorithmic game theory notes
| tags:[ notes ]
Eleusis (card game)
| tags:[ games card games ]
ICS 2019
| tags:[ teaching ]
CSR 2019
| tags:[ research conference trip ]
- Jak rozběhnout výpočet na RCI serveru
Extended graph structure for data persistance
- Dimea Days 2019
Scientific poster for poster session
| tags:[ research ]
Musical notation - Guitar tabs
Vědecká visa do Ruska
Representing knowledge using graphs
| tags:[ system ]
Kombinatorika a grafy III
| tags:[ school ]
CERC - Prague 2018
| tags:[ programming ]
p5js tutoriál - Uklízecí roboti
| tags:[ p5 ]
MCW - výpisky
| tags:[ research conference ]
ICALP 2018 - výpisky
| tags:[ research conference ]
| tags:[ p5 ]
PPA - Pokročilé Paralelní Algoritmy
| tags:[ school ]
Grafové algoritmy 2
| tags:[ school ]
Tréninky Závodního Programování
Pravděpodobnostní techniky
| tags:[ school ]
Pár fixů pro nové ubuntu
| tags:[ system ]
CERC - Zagreb 2017
| tags:[ programming trip ]
- MACIS - Vienna 2017
Počet koster úplného bipartitního grafu $K_{n,m}$
| tags:[ proof ]
- Grafy
Exact family of trees for which $\alpha(G)=\gamma(G)$
| tags:[ proof ]
- Matika na webu
Bridge and torch problem
- Matrix screensaver
- NSFOCS - Novi Sad
| tags:[ school ]
Plzeň - SVOČ
| tags:[ trip ]
- Diplomová práce
- Klávesnice
- Latex - instalace, kompilace
London Stringology Days
| tags:[ research conference trip ]
Zmatené prší
| tags:[ games ]
CERC - Zagreb 2016
| tags:[ programming trip ]
| tags:[ setup ]
- Stigma 2016
Petrozavodsk léto 2016
| tags:[ programming trip ]
- Make & Makefile
- Forged Alliance na Linuxu
Násobení polynomů
| tags:[ algorithm ]
- Bash cheetsheet
Karatsuba v c++
| tags:[ code ]
CERC - Zagreb 2015
| tags:[ programming trip ]
- Přihlášení přes SSH bez hesla
Make heap složitost
| tags:[ proof ]
- Bakalářská práce