distance to chordal
- Sorge2019
- page 9 : distance to chordal upper bounds chordality by a linear function – (ed: apparently goes as the lemma for ddist to interval and boxicity) Lemma 4.16. The distance $i$ to an interval graph upper bounds the boxicity $b$. We have $b \le i+1$.
- page 10 : feedback vertex set upper bounds distance to chordal by a linear function – Lemma 4.20. The feedback edge set number $f$ upper bounds the distance to a chordal graph $c$. We have $c \le f$.
- unknown source
- graph class chordal has constant distance to chordal – by definition
- graph class co-cluster has unbounded distance to chordal
- graph class grid has unbounded distance to chordal
- SchroderThesis
- page 20 : bounded distance to co-cluster does not imply bounded distance to chordal – Proposition 3.12
- page 20 : bounded distance to bipartite does not imply bounded distance to chordal – Proposition 3.12
- page 27 : bounded distance to chordal does not imply bounded boxicity – Proposition 3.25