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- block – Every block (maximal 2-connected subgraph) is a clique.
- cluster – Disjoint union of complete graphs.
- cluster – Every connected component is a complete graph.
- cluster – Does not include path on three vertices as an induced subgraph.
- co-cluster – Complete multipartite graph.
- disjoint cycles – All cycles in the graph are disjoint. Can contain arbitrary trees attached to and between the cycles.
- graph class complete has constant distance to complete – by definition
- graph class co-cluster has constant distance to co-cluster – by definition
- graph class cograph has constant distance to cograph – by definition
- graph class cluster has constant distance to cluster – by definition
- graph class linear forest has constant distance to linear forest – by definition
- graph class outerplanar has constant distance to outerplanar – by definition
- graph class block has constant distance to block – by definition
- graph class edgeless has constant distance to edgeless – by definition
- graph class forest has constant distance to forest – by definition
- graph class bipartite has constant distance to bipartite – by definition
- graph class planar has constant distance to planar – by definition
- graph class chordal has constant distance to chordal – by definition
- graph class stars has constant distance to stars – by definition
- graph class perfect has constant distance to perfect – by definition
- graph class interval has constant distance to interval – by definition
- maximum degree upper bounds distance to maximum degree by a linear function – by definition
- bounded components upper bounds distance to bounded components by a linear function – by definition
- linear forest – Disjoint union of paths.
- maximum matching on bipartite graphs upper and lower bounds vertex cover by a linear function – KÅ‘nig’s theorem
- vertex cover upper and lower bounds maximum matching by a linear function – Every edge of the matching needs to be covered by at least one vertex. Path shows lower bound.
- odd cycle transversal is equal to distance to bipartite – Bipartite graphs is the graph class without any odd cycles.
- feedback edge set upper bounds feedback vertex set by a linear function – Given solution to feedback edge set one can remove one vertex incident to the solution edges to obtain feedback vertex set.
- feedback edge set upper bounds genus by a linear function – Removing $k$ edges creates a forest that is embeddable into the plane. We now add one handle for each of the $k$ edges to get embedding into $k$-handle genus.
- chromatic number upper bounds maximum clique by a linear function – Unbounded clique implies the number of needed colors is unbounded.
- degeneracy upper bounds chromatic number by a linear function – Greedily color the vertices in order of the degeneracy ordering. As each vertex has at most $k$ colored predecesors we use at most $k+1$ colors.
- degeneracy upper bounds average degree by a linear function – Removing a vertex of degree $d$ increases the value added to the sum of all degrees by at most $2d$, hence, the average is no more than twice the degeneracy.
- maximum degree upper bounds h-index by a linear function – As h-index seeks $k$ vertices of degree $k$ it is trivially upper bound by maximum degree.
- minimum degree upper bounds edge connectivity by a linear function – Removing edges incident to the minimum degree vertex disconnects the graph.
- linear rank-width upper bounds rank-width by a computable function
- pathwidth upper bounds linear rank-width by a computable function
- minimum degree upper bounds domatic number by a linear function – The vertex of minimum degree needs to be dominated in each of the sets. As the sets cannot overlap there can be at most $k+1$ of them.
- distance to linear forest upper bounds pathwidth by a linear function – After removal of $k$ vertices the remaining class has a bounded width $w$. So by including the removed vertices in every bag, we can achieve decomposition of width $w+k$
- topological bandwidth upper bounds bisection bandwidth by a linear function – Order vertices by their bandwidth integer. We split the graph in the middle of this ordering. There are at most roughly $k^2/2$ edges over this split.
- bandwidth upper bounds maximum degree by a linear function – Each vertex has an integer $i$ and may be connected only to vertices whose difference from $i$ is at most $k$. There are at most $k$ bigger and $k$ smaller such neighbors.
- distance to linear forest upper bounds pathwidth by a linear function – After removal of $k$ vertices the remaining class has a bounded width $w$. So by including the removed vertices in every bag, we can achieve decomposition of width $w+k$
- distance to outerplanar upper bounds treewidth by a linear function – After removal of $k$ vertices the remaining class has a bounded width $w$. So by including the removed vertices in every bag, we can achieve decomposition of width $w+k$
- vertex integrity upper bounds treedepth by a linear function – First, treedepth removes vertices of the modulator, then it iterates through remaining components one by one.
- distance to stars upper bounds treedepth by a linear function – First, treedepth removes vertices of the modulator, remainder has treedepth $2$
- distance to complete upper bounds clique cover number by a linear function – We cover the $k$ vertices of the modulator by cliques of size $1$ and cover the remaining clique by another one.
- maximum independent set upper bounds domination number by a linear function – Every maximal independent set is also a dominating set because any undominated vertex could be added to the independent set.
- domination number upper bounds diameter by a linear function – An unbounded diameter implies a long path where no vertices that are more than $3$ apart may be dominated by the same dominating vertex, otherwise we could shorten the path. Hence, the number of dominating vertices is also unbounded.
- distance to bipartite upper bounds chromatic number by a linear function – Removed vertices get one color each and we need only $2$ colors for the rest.
- edge clique cover number upper bounds neighborhood diversity by an exponential function – Label vertices by the cliques they are contained in, each label is its own group in the neighborhood diversity, connect accordingly.
- distance to complete upper bounds edge clique cover number by a polynomial function – Cover the remaining clique, cover each modulator vertex and its neighborhood outside of it with another clique, cover each edge within the modulator by its own edge.
- treewidth upper bounds book thickness by a computable function
- maximum leaf number upper bounds distance to linear forest by a computable function
- acyclic chromatic number upper bounds boxicity by a computable function
- h-index upper bounds distance to maximum degree by a linear function – Remove the $h$ vertices of degree at least $h$ to get a graph that has maximum degree $h$.
- distance to maximum degree upper bounds h-index by a linear function – Removal of $k$ vertices yielding a graph with maximum degree $c$ means that there were $k$ vertices of arbitrary degree and the remaining vertices had degree at most $k+c$. Hence, $h$-index is no more than $k+c$.
- distance to cograph upper bounds clique-width by a computable function
- distance to cograph upper bounds chordality by a computable function
- distance to cograph upper bounds diameter by a computable function
- book thickness upper bounds acyclic chromatic number by a computable function
- average distance upper bounds girth by a computable function
- maximum leaf number upper bounds feedback edge set by a computable function
- maximum induced matching upper bounds diameter by a linear function – Diameter requires an induced path on $d$ edges, hence, maximum induced matching is at least $\lfloor (d+1)/3 \rfloor$.
- maximum independent set upper bounds maximum induced matching by a linear function – Each edge of the induced matching can host at one vertex of the independent set.
- vertex cover upper bounds neighborhood diversity by an exponential function
- bounded twin-cover number does not imply bounded neighborhood diversity
- linear clique-width upper bounds clique-width by a computable function
- clique-width upper bounds boolean width by a linear function
- boolean width upper bounds clique-width by an exponential function
- branch width upper bounds boolean width by a linear function
- branch width upper bounds rank-width by a linear function
- treewidth upper bounds boolean width by a computable function
- bandwidth upper and lower bounds cutwidth by a polynomial function – Any bandwidth bound cutwidth quadratically. An example where this happens is $(P_n)^k$ which has bandwidth $k$ and cutwidth $O(k^2)$; both seem to be optimal.
- modular-width upper bounds clique-width by a computable function
- modular-width upper bounds diameter by a computable function
- maximum degree upper bounds c-closure by a computable function
- feedback edge set upper bounds c-closure by a computable function
- vertex integrity – Minimum $k$ such that there exists $k$ vertices whose removal results in connected components of sizes at most $k$.
- twin-cover number – Distance to cluster where all vertices of each clique are siblings.
- maximum degree – maximum degree of graph’s vertices
- feedback vertex set – can be thought of as a distance to forest
- minimum degree – minimum degree of graph’s vertices
- diameter – Maximum distance of two vertices that are in the same connected component.
- feedback vertex set is equal to distance to forest
- vertex cover is equal to distance to edgeless
- graph class complete has unbounded maximum clique – Parameter is unbounded for the graph class of cliques.
- graph class complete has unbounded domatic number – Parameter is unbounded for the graph class of cliques.
- graph class complete has unbounded edge connectivity – Parameter is unbounded for the graph class of cliques.
- graph class co-cluster has unbounded distance to chordal
- graph class cluster has constant twin-cover number
- graph class cluster has unbounded domination number
- graph class bipartite has unbounded girth
- graph class bipartite has unbounded edge connectivity
- graph class forest has constant feedback edge set
- graph class forest has unbounded girth
- graph class forest has unbounded distance to interval
- graph class edgeless has constant vertex cover
- graph class edgeless has unbounded domination number
- graph class grid has unbounded distance to chordal
- graph class grid has unbounded average distance
- graph class grid has unbounded bisection bandwidth
- graph class disjoint cycles has constant bisection bandwidth
- graph class outerplanar has constant bisection bandwidth
- graph class grid has constant maximum degree
- graph class disjoint cycles has unbounded girth
- graph class interval has unbounded average distance
- graph class path has unbounded treedepth
- graph class linear forest has unbounded average distance
- graph class planar has constant genus
- graph class planar has unbounded girth
- graph class planar has unbounded maximum degree
- graph class planar has unbounded distance to perfect
- bounded vertex integrity does not imply bounded neighborhood diversity
- graph class stars has unbounded h-index
- graph class stars has unbounded vertex integrity
- graph class cycles has unbounded distance to perfect
- graph class cycle has constant maximum leaf number
- graph class cycle has unbounded girth
- maximum leaf number upper bounds feedback edge set by a polynomial function – M. Bentert (personal communication)
- bounded components upper bounds cutwidth by a polynomial function – By greedily placing one component after another.
- bounded bounded components does not imply bounded distance to perfect – By a disjoint union of small components with distance to perfect at least 1.
- bounded bounded components does not imply bounded distance to planar – By a disjoint union of many $K_5$ graphs.
- graph class star has constant vertex cover – trivially
- graph class star has constant h-index – trivially
- graph class tree has unbounded h-index – trivially
- graph class path has unbounded distance to cluster – trivially
- graph class path has unbounded diameter – trivially
- graph class cycles has constant pathwidth – trivially
- graph class star has unbounded maximum degree – trivially