domination number
- domination number – The domination number $\gamma(G)$ of a graph $G$ is the minimum size of a dominating set of vertices in $G$ …
- domination number – The maximum number of disjoint dominating sets in a domatic partition of a graph $G$ is called its domatic number $d(G)$.
- unknown source
- maximum independent set upper bounds domination number by a linear function – Every maximal independent set is also a dominating set because any undominated vertex could be added to the independent set.
- domination number upper bounds diameter by a linear function – An unbounded diameter implies a long path where no vertices that are more than $3$ apart may be dominated by the same dominating vertex, otherwise we could shorten the path. Hence, the number of dominating vertices is also unbounded.
- graph class cluster has unbounded domination number
- graph class edgeless has unbounded domination number
- Tran2022
- page 29 : bounded edge clique cover number does not imply bounded domination number – Proposition 4.14. Edge Clique Cover Number is incomparable to Domination Number.
- page 29 : bounded domination number does not imply bounded edge clique cover number – Proposition 4.14. Edge Clique Cover Number is incomparable to Domination Number.
- SchroderThesis
- page 15 : bounded vertex cover does not imply bounded domination number – Proposition 3.5