bipartite number

equivalent to: bipartite number


OtherRelation fromRelation to
acyclic chromatic numberunknown to HOPSexclusion
arboricityunknown to HOPSexclusion
average degreeunknown to HOPSexclusion
average distanceupper boundunknown to HOPS
bandwidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
bipartiteunknown to HOPSexclusion
bisection bandwidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
blockunknown to HOPSexclusion
book thicknessunknown to HOPSexclusion
boolean widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
bounded componentsupper boundexclusion
boxicityunknown to HOPSexclusion
branch widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
c-closureunknown to HOPSexclusion
carving-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
chordalunknown to HOPSexclusion
chordalityunknown to HOPSexclusion
chromatic numberunknown to HOPSexclusion
clique cover numberupper boundexclusion
clique-tree-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
clique-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
connectedunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
cutwidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
cycleunknown to HOPSexclusion
cyclesunknown to HOPSexclusion
d-path-freeupper boundexclusion
degeneracyunknown to HOPSexclusion
degree treewidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
diameterupper boundunknown to HOPS
diameter+max degreeupper boundexclusion
disjoint cyclesunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to bipartiteunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to blockunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to bounded componentsupper boundexclusion
distance to chordalunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to clusterunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to co-clusterupper boundexclusion
distance to cographupper boundexclusion
distance to completeupper boundexclusion
distance to edgelessupper boundexclusion
distance to forestunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to intervalunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to linear forestunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to maximum degreeunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to outerplanarunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to perfectunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to planarunknown to HOPSexclusion
distance to starsupper boundexclusion
domatic numberunknown to HOPSexclusion
domination numberupper boundexclusion
edge clique cover numberupper boundexclusion
edge connectivityunknown to HOPSexclusion
feedback edge setunknown to HOPSexclusion
feedback vertex setunknown to HOPSexclusion
forestunknown to HOPSexclusion
genusunknown to HOPSexclusion
girthunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
gridunknown to HOPSexclusion
h-indexunknown to HOPSexclusion
inf-flip-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
intervalunknown to HOPSexclusion
iterated type partitionsupper boundexclusion
linear clique-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
linear forestunknown to HOPSexclusion
linear NLC-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
linear rank-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
maximum cliqueunknown to HOPSexclusion
maximum degreeunknown to HOPSexclusion
maximum independent setupper boundexclusion
maximum induced matchingupper boundunknown to HOPS
maximum leaf numberunknown to HOPSexclusion
maximum matchingupper boundexclusion
maximum matching on bipartite graphsupper boundexclusion
mim-widthunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
minimum degreeunknown to HOPSexclusion
mm-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
modular-widthupper boundexclusion
module-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
neighborhood diversityupper boundexclusion
NLC-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
NLCT-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
odd cycle transversalunknown to HOPSexclusion
outerplanarunknown to HOPSexclusion
pathunknown to HOPSexclusion
pathwidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
pathwidth+maxdegreeunknown to HOPSexclusion
perfectunknown to HOPSexclusion
planarunknown to HOPSexclusion
radius-r flip-widthunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
rank-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
shrub-depthunknown to HOPSexclusion
sim-widthunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
topological bandwidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
treeunknown to HOPSexclusion
tree-independence numberunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
treedepthupper boundexclusion
treelengthunknown to HOPSunknown to HOPS
treewidthunknown to HOPSexclusion
twin-cover numberupper boundexclusion
twin-widthunknown to HOPSexclusion
vertex connectivityunknown to HOPSexclusion
vertex coverupper boundexclusion
vertex integrityupper boundexclusion
